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Sometimes, it’s better to admit your weaknesses – we jump through the roof whenever we see a designer brand modifying their iconic bags. Especially when they come up with new prints, leathers or looks. We bite our lips and then judge: ‘did they make it better or worst Replica Balenciaga Bags?’.

Replica Balenciaga Bags

Since Jonathan Anderson led the group of Loewe, a lot of things have changed. First, it’s their website, I have to say that its much clearer than before, simper with white background. You can compare it at our previous post: ‘Loewe Fall Winter 2014 Bag Collection by Steven Meisel’.

Then the secret weapon of the brand, the Loewe Amazona bag with its long and rich history. A new design has been introduced and we honestly love it.

First, it’s the print. The new Replica Celine Bags ​is printed with small Anagrams patterns. You know how Louis Vuitton love to write their signature all over the body of their bags? Well Loewe is doing almost the same thing, their logo has been embellished from the back to the front. And to make it more special, one logo on the right has been marked in white, so that every can see what it stands for – made with love.

Then two new styles have been launched. The Amazona 75 Bag is now available in extra large size, meaning more room to store your essentials. Basically perfect for work, tote it from your home to your office and take all your necessary documents and laptop with you. It’s beautiful from the exterior to the interior, the key characteristics are soft, ultra light constructions, high grade exposed leather. You can find a zippered pocket inside. Available at Loewe e-store.